-- Code update by PesimiStyleTR on 06/05/2017 DEVICE = "mouse" -- "kb" for keyboard, "lhc" for left handed controller, such as the G13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ POLL_DELAY = 2 POLL_FAMILY = "kb" -- The device polling will take place on. Prefered to not be on macroed device. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ speed = POLL_DELAY -- this should alwasy be equal or larger than POLL_DELAY inc = 2 lcd = OutputLCDMessage function _onActivation(event, arg, family) -- -- ADD ANY START UP ROUTINES HERE -- ctDiscoColors = CoThread:new(discoColors) ctDiscoColors:start() Toggle = true end function _OnEvent(event, arg, family) -- -- ADD EVENT FUNCTIONALITY HERE -- if event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == 1 then Toggle = not Toggle if Toggle then lcd("Fade resumed.", 3000) else lcd("Fade paused.", 3000) end end if event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == 2 then speed = speed-POLL_DELAY if speed < POLL_DELAY then -- if speed is 0 or less, the program will not reliquish control speed = POLL_DELAY end lcd(speed .. "ms between updates") end if event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == 3 then speed = speed+POLL_DELAY lcd(speed .. "ms between updates") end if event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == 4 then inc = inc + 1 lcd(inc.." color increment(s)") end if event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == 5 then if inc > 1 then inc = inc - 1 end lcd(inc.." color increment(s)") end if Toggle then ctDiscoColors:run() end end function discoColors(ct) while true do for i=0,25,inc do SetBacklightColor(0,0,255,DEVICE) ct:sleep(25-i) SetBacklightColor(255,0,255,DEVICE) ct:sleep(i) end ct:sleep(6) for i=0,25,inc do SetBacklightColor(255,0,255,DEVICE) ct:sleep(25-i) SetBacklightColor(255,0,0,DEVICE) ct:sleep(i) end ct:sleep(6) for i=0,25,inc do SetBacklightColor(255,0,0,DEVICE) ct:sleep(25-i) SetBacklightColor(255,255,0,DEVICE) ct:sleep(i) end ct:sleep(6) for i=0,25,inc do SetBacklightColor(255,255,0,DEVICE) ct:sleep(25-i) SetBacklightColor(0,255,0,DEVICE) ct:sleep(i) end ct:sleep(6) for i=0,25,inc do SetBacklightColor(0,255,0,DEVICE) ct:sleep(25-i) SetBacklightColor(0,255,255,DEVICE) ct:sleep(i) end ct:sleep(6) for i=0,25,inc do SetBacklightColor(0,255,255,DEVICE) ct:sleep(25-i) SetBacklightColor(0,0,255,DEVICE) ct:sleep(i) end ct:sleep(6) end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- NOTHING BELOW HERE NEEDS TO BE ALTERED -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function OnEvent(event, arg, family) -- POLLING INITIATED HERE _GetRunningTime = GetRunningTime() if event == "PROFILE_ACTIVATED" then ClearLog() POLL = Poll:new(POLL_FAMILY, POLL_DELAY) POLL:start() if KB_EVENTS then kb = EventHandler:new("kb") kb:ProcessEvent(event, arg, family) end if LHC_EVENTS then lhc = EventHandler:new("lhc") lhc:ProcessEvent(event, arg, family) end _onActivation(event, arg, family) else -- POLLING ROUTINES BELOW POLL:run(event,arg,family) if KB_EVENTS then kb:ProcessEvent(event, arg, family) end if LHC_EVENTS then lhc:ProcessEvent(event, arg, family) end _GetRunningTime = GetRunningTime() _OnEvent(event, arg, family) -- Runs myOnEvent to compartmentalize end if KB_EVENTS then kb:CleanupAfterEvent() end if LHC_EVENTS then lhc:CleanupAfterEvent() end end log = OutputLogMessage function Type(v) if type(v) == "table" then if v.Type ~= nil then return v.Type elseif v.type ~= nil then return v.type end end return type(v) end Poll = {} Poll.__index = Poll Poll.__newindex = function(table, key, value) for k,v in pairs(table) do if k == key then rawset(table,key,value) return end end error("'" .. key .. "' is not a member of Poll.", 2) end function Poll:new(family, delay) local self = {} self.delay = delay or 50 if family ~= "kb" and family ~= "lhc" then error("Poll:new() - 'pFamily' must be 'kb' or 'lhc'", 2) end self.pFamily = family self.presses = 0 self.running = false self.runMKeyModifier = false self.MKeyModifier = { nil, nil, nil } -- "default" or Modifiers. i.e. "lshift", "ctrl" self.modFamily = "" self.Type = "Poll" setmetatable(self, Poll) return self end function Poll:setMKeyModifier( m1, m2, m3, family ) self.runMKeyModifier = true self.MKeyModifier[1] = m1 self.MKeyModifier[2] = m2 self.MKeyModifier[3] = m3 if family ~= "kb" and family ~= "lhc" then error("Poll:setMKeyModifier() family - needs to be 'kb' or 'lhc'",2) end self.modFamily = family end function Poll:start() self.running = true self:setMKeyState() end function Poll:stop() self.running = false end function Poll:_press() if self.running then self.presses = self.presses + 1 end end function Poll:release() if self.running then self.presses = self.presses - 1 end end function Poll:setMKeyState() if self.runMKeyModifier then local default = nil local i = 1 local modMKeyState = nil for i = 1, 3, 1 do if self.MKeyModifier[i] == "default" then default = i elseif self.MKeyModifier[i] == "" then -- do nothing elseif string.find(self.MKeyModifier[i],"mb%d") then local iMB = tonumber(string.sub(self.MKeyModifier[i],3)) if IsMouseButtonPressed(iMB) then modMKeyState = i end elseif IsModifierPressed(self.MKeyModifier[i]) then modMKeyState = i end end if modMKeyState == nil then modMKeyState = default end if modMKeyState ~= nil then if self.pFamily == self.modFamily then SetMKeyState(modMKeyState, self.pFamily) return elseif GetMKeyState(self.modFamily) ~= modMKeyState then SetMKeyState(modMKeyState, self.modFamily) end end end SetMKeyState( GetMKeyState(self.pFamily), self.pFamily ) end function Poll:run(event, arg, family) if self.running and self.pFamily == family then if event == "M_PRESSED" then self:_press() Sleep(self.delay) elseif event == "M_RELEASED" then if self.presses == 1 then self:setMKeyState() Sleep(self.delay) end self:release() end end end CoThread = {} CoThread.__index = CoThread function CoThread:new(f) -- f - function(MultiThread) local self = {} if type(f) ~= "function" then error("A function is needed",2) end self.func = f self.co = nil self.sleepUntilTimeStamp = nil self.Type = "CoThread" setmetatable(self, CoThread) return self end function CoThread:recreate() self:kill() self.co = coroutine.create(self.func) end function CoThread:create() self.co = coroutine.create(self.func) end function CoThread:isDead() if self.co == nil then return true elseif coroutine.status(self.co) == "dead" then self.co = nil return true else return false end end function CoThread:run(...) if self:isDead() then return end if self.sleepUntilTimeStamp ~= nil then if _GetRunningTime < self.sleepUntilTimeStamp then return else self.sleepUntilTimeStamp = nil end end coroutine.resume(self.co, self, ...) end function CoThread:kill() self.co = nil self.sleepUntilTimeStamp = nil end function CoThread:yield() coroutine.yield() end function CoThread:sleep(Milliseconds) self.sleepUntilTimeStamp = _GetRunningTime + Milliseconds coroutine.yield() end function CoThread:start() self:recreate() end function CoThread:stop() self:kill() end function CoThread:isFinished() return self:isDead() end